5 Wedding Photography to Watch Out for in 2014

Wedding photography has changed a lot since our parents got married three decades ago. That said even though photography trends have changed there are very few couples who know much about the latest trends or upcoming trends. This often means that they don’t know exactly what they should be looking for when hiring a photographer to cover their wedding. The important thing that wedding couples should always remember when hiring a professional is to never hire one simply based on if or not they are using the latest and the most expensive equipment. It should be based on their portfolio and if they are able to shoot your wedding based on the latest trends, five of which have been described below.Trend no. 1: Celebrity wedding styleAlmost every wedding couple may want to feel like a celebrity and this particular wedding photography style makes it possible. This particular style brings red carpet style posing to wedding couples. The resulting pictures are often of couples who are acting out famous movie and music video scenes. This allows for the photographer to create new and unique themes which look like photos on a glossy film magazine cover.Trend no. 2: Soft toned black & white picturesBlack & white film cameras may have been replaced with their color counterparts a long time ago but there was a certain class that these monochrome pictures had. Today even with the latest photography equipment many photographers like the black & white effect especially when it comes to wedding photography. The amazing thing about this sepia or soft toned monochrome photography is that it is very classy, clear and stylish, it can also be edited to suit certain themes and artistic tastes.Trend no. 3: Very deep color themesA growing number of wedding photographers are leaning in the favor of using a combo on low light photography and dramatic skies to produce pictures that are stunningly deep. This effect is usually achieved during weddings that take place at night or during the reception which is under an open sky. However, if you opt for this particular photography style the professional should be able to provide you with a few tips on what you’ll need to do in order for the pictures to turn out as expected. This type of photography is ideal for beach weddings.Trend no. 4: Candid photographyThis year we may see a growing number of couples opting for candid photography because it combines their unique acting talent with the photographer’s ability to shoot their best sides. However, even though a lot of the candid shots will be composed but they need to look spontaneous which can be difficult. So, many wedding photographers will start by creating a scene in which couples need to act spontaneously just so that the pictures don’t look planned.Trend no. 5: Bold colorsThis type of photography literally turns up all the bold colors at the wedding party. So colors in the flowers, the dress, accessories etc. will all pop. Many professional wedding photographers will provide their clients with a list of bold colors that they need to use. Any shortfall in bold colors will then be filled during post production.

The Male Chastity Lifestyle and How to Make it Fun!

It is my opinion and observation that many couples take the male chastity lifestyle far too seriously. Or, rather, they’re too solemn about it since as British comedian John Cleese once pointed out, the opposite of fun isn’t serious; it’s solemn.

And while I think being serious about how you treat it is perhaps a good thing (after all, having your penis and testicles locked up in, say, a stainless-steel chastity belt is a pretty serious business, as indeed is their health and safety and insisting on regular cleaning and inspection).

But there’s no need to be all po-faced and solemn about it, just as there’s no need to be po-faced an solemn about sex in general. After all, if you look at sex objectively it’s pretty funny, what with all the funny noises and faces you pull, the positions you get into and the wet and slimy squelching.

Looked at like that, it’s nothing short of hilarious – and if we can’t see the funny side, then we’re not going to enjoy that side of our lives very much. When I was a young woman, new to sex, the first time I heard that sudden, rasping escape of air from my nether regions, I wanted to die. I was SO embarrassed. I actually finished with my boyfriend of the time because I was so embarrassed.

But now, some (mumble) years on, I realize it’s actually amusing, something for you both to laugh at.

And the male chastity lifestyle is no different!

For a start, getting a chastity device or belt on is not always quick and easy. It is lovely to imagine you can get him all hot and steamy and quickly slip it onto him with a flick of the wrist, but you’re ignoring some simple laws of physics here. In the same way a square peg won’t go into a round hole, an erect throbbing penis won’t go into a narrow tube without lube, concentration and, as often as not, a few ice-cubes.

And you’ll find the male chastity lifestyle is full of these amusing (if you’ll let them be amusing) little quirks and hiccoughs.

For example, he might find it a solemn occasion when he goes down on his knees and begs you to take his key, but, frankly, it’s actually pretty funny. I don’t mean you’re laughing at him per se but you’re laughing at yourself, the two of you and the whole situation.

And if you’re both being solemn about it and you get the urge to giggle, well… it’s like laughing at a funeral. No one’s happy and it tends to spoil the occasion.

But it won’t if you…

Lighten up and realize the male chastity lifestyle is supposed to be fun!

Serious fun, yes; but fun all the same. And then there are the devices themselves. Some of them actually do look pretty hot. I think the stainless-steel belts like the Tollyboy look fantastic on a man. But some of them look frankly silly when seen objectively, just as sex itself is funny and faintly ridiculous when you’re looking at it dispassionately.

Yet, I think the real danger of allowing solemnity to creep in is when you really want it to be serious and fun, like when he’s starting to get desperate to orgasm and it is, in all truth, becoming difficult for him.

Then you have two choices: be solemn, and get mad at him; or be serious and fun and gently remind him of why you’re both doing this and with love and compassion, coax him through these difficult times.

A little compassion goes a long way in the male chastity lifestyle as it does in every other walk of life. You can be loving and compassionate and keep that sense of serious fun and yet still be strict in your demands. You can have fun and laugh with him rather than at him without having to give in at the first hint of a moan, gripe or complaint.

You can just be YOU

The image of the fire-breathing, aggressive and man-hating dominatrix you must become if you want to live the male chastity lifestyle is a false one, invented by those who know nothing about the reality of this delicious game. It is a fun way to live, and anyone can do it without having to become something they’re not and would never want to be.

Statistics Programming – Easing the Pain

Different sets of software are being developed everyday just to ease man with some of his technical works such as in the field of business. These programs are specially designed to make high speed calculations and analysis of the data and come up with a soft copy of information output that can be used instantaneously after the software processes it. Statistics is one of the most complicated clerical works of anyone who is studying or working in the field of economics, politics and even social matters. Statistics is deemed to be of importance because it gives a type of descriptive conclusion or interpretation that can be very precise depending upon the quality of data that has been gathered and the competence that is given to organize, interpret and represent that data. But even with the level of competence that a person has with regards to his statistical skills, there is still a probability that a miscalculation might be made and alter the holistic outcome of the statistics.

However, because of the rapid advancements of technology and the evolution of the functions that can be performed by the humble computer software developers has come up with a certain software program that can make ease any statistician of all their statistical tasks. The development of a program that is able to perform the task of organizing and interpreting statistical data was q revolutionary breakthrough when it comes to statistical analysis help. Statistics programming is defined as the systematic calculation of all the numerical data that has been downloaded into the system wherein it is organized basing upon the categories. These categories are classified upon the nature of the data that has been downloaded. After the process of organizing the data, it will be then interpreted numerically. This function of statistical programming helps to lessen the burden of work and also to maximize the output of a statistician.

Statistical program is composed of sets of languages. There are a total of 17 categories in a statistical program and these are the following;
• Analytica, ADMB
• Gretl, GAUSS
• Mathematica
• OxMetrics
• Quantum (Programming Language)
• Programming Language, SPSS, Symbolic Data Analysis, Sysquake, SAS (software and language), Speakeasy(Computation), SHAZAM (Software)
• World Programming System
• XLispStat

Each of these categories of Statistics Programs has their own unique sets of functions. Each one of it is capable of performing specific functions about statistics. The MATRIX LAB is one of the statistics programs that are widely used today. It is a program that is provided by a certain company that is said to be fully capable of solving ad coming up with solutions with regards to any mathematical or numerical problems that are fed into it. The MATLAB assignment helps not only statistics but also other aspects that majorly require the use of mathematical equations and solving. Because of these software programs, statisticians are given more time to pay attention to other details of the data and leave the organization and the interpretation of it to the statistics software.